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Recipe 4 All:

"FIRST" Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Yield: 36 servings
  Preheat Oven to 350
20  Min - Work Time
40  Min - Total Time
¾cups Flour
½teaspoon Baking soda
½teaspoon Cinnamon
½teaspoon Salt
8tablespoon Unsalted butter (marg/short)
  At room temp
1/3cups Brown sugar
1/3cups Sugar
1  Egg
½teaspoon Vanilla extract
½cups Raisins
1cups Rolled oats
64  Calories
1g Protein
3g Fat
44mg Sodium
9g Carbohydrates
13mg Cholesterol

Preheat ovento 350~. Combine flour, soda, cinnamon, & salt. With an electric mixer at medium-low speed, beat butter, & sugar until fluffy. Beat in egg, & vanilla. Reduce speed to low, & beat in flour mixture until just combined. Stir in oats and raisins. Drop by heaping teaspoonfuls onto an ungreased baking sheet, about 3" apart. Bake 8-11 min. Cool on sheets 1 min before moving to wire racks.

Your "FIRST" Oatmeal Raisin Cookies is ready. Bon appetit!

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