Recipe 4 All: Bacon-Wrapped Little Loaves Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Bacon-Wrapped Little Loaves Recipe

Bacon-Wrapped Little Loaves

Yield: 6 servings
lb Lean Ground Beef
1cups Cheddar Cheese;Shredded,4 Oz
1  Egg; Lg
¼cups Bread Crumbs; Dry
¼cups Onion; Chopped, 1 Sm
¼cups Lemon Juice
¼cups Green Bell Pepper; Chopped
½cups Water
½teaspoon Beef Bouillon; Instant
1teaspoon Salt
6  ThinSlicesofBacon,Cut In ½

Heat the oven to 350 degrees F. Mix all of the ingredients, except the bacon, together. Shape the mixture into 6 small loaves. Crisscross 2 of the half slices of bacon across each loaf, tucking the ends under each loaf. Place the loaves on a rack in a shallow baking pan and bake uncovered for 50 minutes. Let stand for 5 to 10 minutes before serving.

Your Bacon-Wrapped Little Loaves is ready. Good luck!

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