Recipe 4 All: CURRY POWDER #3 Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: CURRY POWDER #3 Recipe


Yield: 1 servings
3tablespoon Coriander seeds
2tablespoon Cumin seeds
2tablespoon Tumeric
1tablespoon Mustard seeds
teaspoon Fennel seeds
8  Pods cardamon seeds
8  Cloves
teaspoon Ground ginger
teaspoon Black peppercorns
¼teaspoon Freshly grated nutmeg
¼teaspoon Cayenne

In a bowl, combine all the ingredients. Spread mixture out on a jelly roll pan and toast in a preheated 250 degree F oven for 20 minutes.

Let cool to room temperature. Pulverize the spice mixture in batches with an electric spice or coffee grinder and strain it through a sieve into a bowl. The curry powder will keep six months in a tightly sealed jar in a cool dark place. Use to season soups and stews. Makes about ½ cups.

Recipe: Chuck Ozburn in Pok, New York

Your CURRY POWDER #3 is ready. Bon appetit!

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