Recipe 4 All: Chinese Pineapple Chicken  (Bow Luo Gai) Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Chinese Pineapple Chicken  (Bow Luo Gai) Recipe

Chinese Pineapple Chicken (Bow Luo Gai)

Yield: 4 servings
1lb Chicken parts
1  Stalk celery
1can 8-oz. chunk style pineapple
½cups Water
½tablespoon Catsup
1tablespoon Rice vinegar
tablespoon Sugar
  Dash of salt
1teaspoon Cornstarch for thickening
2teaspoon Cold water for thickening
2cups Oil for deep frying

Your Chinese Pineapple Chicken (Bow Luo Gai) is ready. Good luck!

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