Recipe 4 All: Chuck's Homemade Ozark Rootbeer (15 Gal Recipe) Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Chuck's Homemade Ozark Rootbeer (15 Gal Recipe) Recipe

Chuck's Homemade Ozark Rootbeer (15 Gal Recipe)

Yield: 6 servings
2oz Birch Beer Extract
10oz Root Beer Extract
1lb Honey
1cups Blackstrap Molasses
1cups Grade B Maple Syrup
1  Gal Sugar (approx 8 lb)

Approximate total cost of ingredients: $25.50 Mix all ingredients in a keg, add water to fill keg, carbonate, drink. Some comments regarding the recipe:

You can obtain the extracts in 2 oz bottles at most homebrewing shops. In addition, you can buy bulk extracts through restaurant suppliers, the one brand I know of is 'Universal'.

While I artificially carbonated my rootbeer (for both legal & practical reasons) you could ferment it to get carbonation. There was an alcoholic rootbeer at the Great American Beer Festival, I talked with the brewmaster who made it, and it is similar to my recipe, but with the addition of a substantial amount of malt extract to increase the fermentables. His rootbeer was in the 6% alcohol by weight range, and tasted very good on it's own, but didn't go well with drinking lots of regular beer.

* * NOTE * * This recipe originated on another echo and the poster's : name has been lost. My apologies. BOB

Your Chuck's Homemade Ozark Rootbeer (15 Gal Recipe) is ready. Good luck!

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