Recipe 4 All: Creole Beef over Rice Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Creole Beef over Rice Recipe

Creole Beef over Rice

Yield: 6 Servings
lb Beef bottom round steak
  Cut in ½ inch cubes
2teaspoon Oil
1lg Onion chopped
1lg Bell pepper chopped
4  Stalks celery chopped
1teaspoon Dry creole or cajun
2  14 oz can stewed tomatoes
  Cajun style if available
  Hot cooked rice

Heat oil in skillet and brown beef cubes for 2 minutes. Add onion, pepper and celery and saute for 3 minutes. Add seasoning and tomatoes and cover and cook over low heat for 25 minutes, stirring frequently. Serve over hot cooked rice.

Your Creole Beef over Rice is ready. Buon appetito!

Related recipes: Meat, Main dish, Beef

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