Recipe 4 All: Curried Mango Sauce Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Curried Mango Sauce Recipe

Curried Mango Sauce

Yield: 6 servings
1  Mango, Ripe 12 Ounces
2tablespoon Peanut Oil
teaspoon Curry Powder
2tablespoon Mint Leaves, Fresh
½cups Chicken Broth
tablespoon Lime Juice, Fresh

Pare mango, cut flesh from pit, and place in blender. Heat oil in small skillet over medium heat. Add curry powder, stir until blended and remove from heat. Add curry mixture and mint to mango. With blender running, pour in broth. Remove to bowl, add lime juice and salt to taste and stir vigorously. Serve warm or at room temperature with grilled shrimp or chicken breasts. From: Syd's Cookbook.

Your Curried Mango Sauce is ready. Happy cooking!

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