Recipe 4 All: Duck with Apple Dressing Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Duck with Apple Dressing Recipe

Duck with Apple Dressing

Yield: 4 Servings
1 (3«-4 lb) duck
4sl Toasted bread crumbs
4tablespoon Butter [melted]
¼cups Water
3lg Apples [peeled, cored]
[& diced fine]
2tablespoon Sugar
¼teaspoon Nutmeg
½cups Raisens
½cups Cashews [chopped]
1sl Bacon [cut into halves]

1) Rinse the duck and pat dry inside and out...

2) Combine the remainder of the ingredients EXCEPT the bacon, mixing well. Spoon the dressing into all cavities of the duck then place in a baking dish... 3) Place the bacon strips over the top and bake in a 350ø oven `til the duck is tender... 4) Serve with wild rice and favorite veggie...

(315) 786-1120

Your Duck with Apple Dressing is ready. Bon appetit!

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