Recipe 4 All: Fuzzy Navel Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Fuzzy Navel Recipe

Fuzzy Navel

Yield: 2 servings
1md Peach; peeled
8oz Low-Fat Peach Yogurt
4oz Orange Juice
4oz Ginger Ale

Combine the peaches, yogurt, and juice into a blender and blend until smooth. Divide the ginger ale among serving glasses and add a portion of yogurt to each. Watch it foam, and enjoy.

Per serving: 178 calories, 1 g fat, 6 g protein, 5 mg cholesterol, 37 g carbohydrates, 73 mg sodium.

Note: This is high in calcium, vitamin A and potassium. It is especially good a few hours after a good run on a balmy summer day.

Shadow Zone IV - Stinson Beach, CA

Your Fuzzy Navel is ready. Happy cooking!

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