Recipe 4 All: Homemade Egg Substitute Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Homemade Egg Substitute Recipe

Homemade Egg Substitute

Yield: 4 servings
6  Egg whites
¼cups Nonfat dry milk
1tablespoon Vegetable oil

Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl and blend until smooth. Store in a jar in the refrigerator up to 1 week. Mixture also freezes well.

To prepare scrambled eggs; fry slowly over low heat in a nonstick frying pan.

Yield 4 servings. One serving ¼ cup (1 egg equivalent) Calories 69, Protein 7 grams, Fat 3 grams, Fiber 0, Cholesterol <1 mg, Sodium 98 mg, Potassium 140 mg.

Exchange 1 lean meat

ISBN 0-395-49477-X c. 1990

Your Homemade Egg Substitute is ready. Happy cooking!

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