Recipe 4 All: Italian Pesto Cheese Torta Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Italian Pesto Cheese Torta Recipe

Italian Pesto Cheese Torta

Yield: 1 Servings
1lb Cream cheese; softened
15oz Ricotta; drained
½lb Fresh mozzarella; drained
12  Fresh basil leaves
1cups Toasted pine nuts
¾cups Pesto
1teaspoon Salt

Line a standard bread pan with a double thickness of fine-weave cheesecloth. Allow enough cheesecloth to fold over the top of the mold after the cheese has been layered. Arrange fresh basil leaves in a decorative pattern on the cheesecloth and sprinkle on 1 to 2 tablespoons of the pine nuts.

Combine cream cheese, ricotta, mozzarella, and salt in a food processor (or use an electric mixer) and blend until smooth. Place one-third of the cheese mixture in the pan nad smooth it into an even layer. Spread half the pesto over the top and sprinkle on half the remaining pine nuts. Repeat these layers, ending with a cheese layer. Fold the cheesecloth over the top of the cheese and press slightly to even up the mold. Refrigerate one to three days.

To unmold, press down on the cheesecloth to make sure that the cheese is firmly in place. Fold back the top of the cheesecloth and pull up on the sides a little to loosen the mold. Invert a serving plate over the pan, keeping the cheesecloth away from the top of the mold. Turn over the mold together with the plate, then lift the pan off the cheese. Peel the cheesecloth carefully off the torta.

Variation: Substitute sun-dried tomato pesto for traditional pesto. Arrange whole sun-dried tomatoes, sliced black olives, basil, and pine nuts in a decorative pattern in the pan for the top of the torta.


Your Italian Pesto Cheese Torta is ready. Bon appetit!

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