Recipe 4 All: LAMB APPETIZER Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: LAMB APPETIZER Recipe


Yield: 45 servings
15sl White bread
  Butter or margarine; melted
  Celery seeds
1cups Ground cooked lamb
¼cups Mayonnaise
1sm Onion; minced
¼teaspoon Paprika
1teaspoon Lemon juice
2tablespoon Chopped chives
  Pimiento strips; -=OR=-

Trim crusts from bread. Brush one side of each slice with melted butter and sprinkle with celery seeds. Cut each slice in 3 strips and place on baking sheet. Bake at 425F 8 to 10 minutes. Blend lamb, mayonnaise, onion, paprika, lemon juice and chives. Spread each toast strip with about 1½ teaspoons meat mixture and garnish with pimiento strips.

Your LAMB APPETIZER is ready. Good luck!

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