Recipe 4 All: Lemon Butter Glazed Chicken Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Lemon Butter Glazed Chicken Recipe

Lemon Butter Glazed Chicken

Yield: 4 Servings
4  Chicken breast, boneless, sk
3teaspoon Butter
3teaspoon Water
1teaspoon Lemon juice
teaspoon Chicken bouillon mix
1  Chopped parsley
1  Lemon slices

Coat chicken in a small amount of flour, shake to remove excess. Melt butter in a non-stick frypan. Add chicken breasts and saute each side until lightly browned. Add water, lemon juice and chicken bouillon mix to pan; stir until dissolved. Bring to a boil. Cover and simmer 5 to 7 min. Remove chicken from pan; keep warm. Cook and stir pan juices over high heat until thickened and syrupy, 1 or 2 min. Pour glaze over chicken, sprinkle with parsley and garnish with lemon slices.

Your Lemon Butter Glazed Chicken is ready. Happy cooking!

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