Recipe 4 All: Noodle-Nut Salad Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Noodle-Nut Salad Recipe

Noodle-Nut Salad

Yield: 6 Servings
9oz Noodles,geen or tricolour
½tablespoon Butter
11oz Zuccini
1oz Butter
oz Peanuts,unsalted
9oz Tofu
1oz Butter
oz Coctail Tomatoes
oz Yogurth
2tablespoon Lemonjuice
  Salt,pepper,sugar to taste
1tablespoon Herbs, chopped

1. Boil the noodles with the first butter in salted water till done,drain. 2. Cut zuccini into thin slices and fry in the melted second butter until it is light yellow. Mix with the noodles.

3. Roast the peanuts in the rest of the fat and mix with noodles.

4. Put tofu into cold water, let stand 5 minutes, than cut into small cubes, melt butter and fry the tofu in it. Mix with the noodles.

5. Wash tomatoes and cut in half, add to noodles, mix carefully.

6. Mix the sauce ingridients together and pour over noodlemix.

7. Serve lukewarm or cooled.

8. You can substitute the tofu with 200 g Coctail Wieners.

Watertown NY 315-786-1120

Your Noodle-Nut Salad is ready. Bon appetit!

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