Recipe 4 All: Noodle Salad with Cheese Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Noodle Salad with Cheese Recipe

Noodle Salad with Cheese

Yield: 10 Servings
18oz Spiral Noodles
5  Dill Pickles
15oz Cooked Ham
15oz Cheese, Swiss or Emmentaler
6tablespoon Majonaise
4tablespoon Coffe Creme, liquid
5tablespoon Catsup
2tablespoon Chives
2tablespoon Lemonjuice

1.Cook noodles as directed;drain. 2.Cut pickles, ham and cheese into small cubes. 3.Mix together mayonaise, coffee creme, chives(chopped finely) and lemonjuice and stir it under the rest of the sald ingridients. 4.Let cool and taste again; salt more if nessesary.

Your Noodle Salad with Cheese is ready. Happy cooking!

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