Recipe 4 All: Purim Manicotti Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Purim Manicotti Recipe

Purim Manicotti

Yield: 1 servings
2  Eggs
1/8teaspoon -salt
cups Flour;unbleached
1cups Oil; for frying,olive or
cups Honey

To quote the author, "This is one of those recipes one should watch while it is being prepared because the actual preparation is much less complicated than its description. A pasta machine would be helpful because the actual preparation is much less complicated than its description. Prim is the time when Italian-Jewish housewives display their artistry and patience in making the most varied types of sweets to make this joyous holiday especially festive.

Lightly beat eggs and salt together. Gradually add 1¼ to 1½ cups of flour and mix until a rather soft dough is formed. Knead for 1 minute, then roll out as thin as you can. With a pizza cutter or with a very sharp knife, make 24 2"x6" strips. Heat the oil in a small frying pan until a piece of dough dropped into it sizzles immediately. Holding one strip of dough at one end with your hand, plunge the other end of the strip into the hot oil 1 inch deep. At once insert the frying part of the strip between the prongs of the fork with your other hand. Roll the fork in a counterclockwise motion while letting the rest of the strip slide into the oil. The strip will fry while it is rolling around the fork. When the manicotto is golden, hold it above the pan a few seconds to drip, then gently place on a paper towel. Repeat until all the manicotti are done. Heat half the honey in a small saucepan. As it starts to boil, drop 2 to 3 manicotti in it for a few seconds to be coated with honey. Lower the heat and continue to dip the manicotti in the hot honey sauce until all have been coated, gradually adding additional honey. Cool thoroughly before serving. YIELDS: 24

Your Purim Manicotti is ready. Buon appetito!

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