Recipe 4 All: Ranch Stew Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Ranch Stew Recipe

Ranch Stew

Yield: 4 Servings
1lb Lean beef, trimed, bite size
2  Carrots, large, sliced
12  Pearl onion, canned
2tablespoon Whole wheat flour (optional)
½teaspoon Salt
3cups Water
2  Potatoes, med. diced
1cups Frozen peas
1tablespoon Worchestershire sauce
¼teaspoon Pepper

Place meat in 1 quart baking dish. Brown in slow oven at 325F for 45 min, stirring occasionally. Add 1 cup of water to dish. Cover, bake for 1 hr or until meat is tender. Meanwhile, cook carrots in remaining 2 cups water. When partially cooked, add potatoes and cook until all tender. Add onions and peas. Put vegetables into beef dish. Thicken liquid from vegs. with flour if desired. Add worcestershire sauce, salt, and pepper to liquid. Pour over meat and vegs. Cover and return to oven for 20 min. Cal: 371, Fat 1½g.

Your Ranch Stew is ready. Happy cooking!

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