Recipe 4 All: Rebaked Potato with Tofu-Mushroom Stuffing Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Rebaked Potato with Tofu-Mushroom Stuffing Recipe

Rebaked Potato with Tofu-Mushroom Stuffing

Yield: 4 servings
¾cups Chopped onion
¾cups Chopped mushrooms
1tablespoon Soy sauce
½teaspoon Sage
2lg Baked potatoes
6oz Soft tofu, mashed (¾ c.)
¼teaspoon Salt

In a skillet, combine onion, mushrooms, soy sauce and sage. Cover and stew over low heat until mushrooms are tnder, about 10 minutes.

Cut baked potatoes in half lengthwise. Carefully scoop out insides, leaving a shell about ¼ inch thick.

Puree scooped-out potato, tofu and salt in a food processor, or whip in all but a quarter cup of the cooked mushroom-onion mixture. Fill the potato shells and top each half with 1 tablespoon of the reserved mushroom- onion mixture. Place potatoes on a baking sheet in oven (or toaster oven) and bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Makes 4 potato halves.

(From June, 1991 _Vegetarian Times_)

-=+Dianne in Freeport, Texas+=- "Que la fuerza vaya contigo." MMMMM Happy Charring

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