Recipe 4 All: Rogaliki Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Rogaliki Recipe


Yield: 12 servings
2cups flour
1package yeast
1cups unsalted butter, room temp.
2  egg yolks, beaten
¾cups sour cream
2cups almonds, toasted and coarsely ground
¾cups brown sugar, firmly packed
2  egg whites
¼teaspoon salt

Mix flour and yeast in a medium bowl. Cut in the butter till mixture resembles coarse meal. Add remaining ingredients and mix well; dough will be crumbly. Form into a ball, but work dough as little as possible - the less kneading, the more tender the result. Wrap in waxed paper and chil at least 2 hr.

Combine almonds and sugar in a small bowl. Beat together egg whites and salt till stiff but not dry, and carefully fold into nut mixture.

Preheat oven to 375 F. Divide dough into three balls. Roll each on a generously floured board to about 1/8" thick. Cut resulting circles pie wise into eight wedges.

Spread wedges with filling. Starting at wide end, roll as for croissants, tucking point of wedge underneath so rolls won't unroll during baking. Place on a lightly oiled baking sheet and bake 30-40 min. or till golden and puffed.

Your Rogaliki is ready. Buon appetito!

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