Recipe 4 All: Rumanian Fried Noodle Pudding Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Rumanian Fried Noodle Pudding Recipe

Rumanian Fried Noodle Pudding

Yield: 6 servings
½lb Noodles, fine egg
2tablespoon Margarine
1lg Onion
6tablespoon Vegetable oil
2  Eggs, beaten
  Salt and Pepper

The recipe says, that this would be a good substitute for potato latkes for Hanukkah. 1. Cook the noodles according to directions on the package and drain. Transfer to a large bowl and add margarine, blending well. Set aside. 2. Saute the onion in 2 tbs vegetable oil, until golden. Add the onions to the noodles. Add the eggs and salt and pepper to taste. Mix all ingredients well. 3. Heat remaining 4 tbs oil in a large, heavy frying pan. Add the noodle mixture and let brown on the bottom and sides, taking care not to burn 4. When browned on one side, place a large plate over the pan. Turn over onto the plate and then slide back into the pan to brown the other side. Serves: 4-6.

Your Rumanian Fried Noodle Pudding is ready. Good luck!

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