Recipe 4 All: Three-In-One Dinner Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Three-In-One Dinner Recipe

Three-In-One Dinner

Yield: 6 Servings
1lb Ground steak (bottom round)
1md Onion
2md Green peppers
4md Fresh tomatoe, sliced
2cups Fresh corn
(or canned Niblets)
½cups Bread crumbs
½cups Grated cheese
4tablespoon Butter

Cut onion and green peppers fairly coarse and marinate in the butter for three minutes. Add the meat, season with salt and pepper and cook slowly for about 10 minutes. Butter a casserole and put in a layer of corn, a layer of the meat mixture and a layer of tomatoes. Repeat until all of the ingredients are used. Cover with bread crumbs and spread with the grated cheese. Bake for 45 minutes in a 425 degree oven.

Your Three-In-One Dinner is ready. Happy cooking!

Related recipes: Main dish, Meat, Casseroles

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