Recipe 4 All: Ukrainian Meat & Fish Stew Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Ukrainian Meat & Fish Stew Recipe

Ukrainian Meat & Fish Stew

Yield: 10 Servings
½lb Ground beef
½lb Ground lamb
½lb Herring, fresh, cubed,
  Skinned & boned
½cups Plain Yogurt
4tablespoon Butter
4  Eggs, seperated
1  Garlic clove minced
1  Onion lg. chopped
4  Potatos peeled & boiled
½teaspoon Salt
½teaspoon Black pepper
2tablespoon Goat cheese
3tablespoon Bread crumbs
4tablespoon Carrots shredded

Put 1 qt of milk into a bowl and soak the herring in it 8-12 hours. Pat dry being sure to remove any and all bones. Fry the onions & garlic in 2 T of butter until golden. Pan fry the ground meats and place into a food processor. Add the onion, garlic herring, & potatos. Chop until a smooth mixture is achieved. Stir in the yogurt and the egg yolks. Add the spices. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. & butter a large baking dish. Add the shredded carrots at this point. Beat the egg whites until the are fairly stiff but not dry and then add to the mixture. Turn the mixture into the buttered baking dish. Sprinkle with the bread crumbs and goat cheese, dot with remaining butter, & then bake for 45 minutes. Serve hot.

Your Ukrainian Meat & Fish Stew is ready. Happy cooking!

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